Donegal man who exposed himself get suspended sentence

A Judge has told a Donegal man who exposed himself to two women in Derry it is ‘for the best’ if he does not return to the city.

Patrick Gavin Porter, of the Grange, Inch Island, Donegal, pleaded guilty to exposure on September 13, 2016.

The 44-year-old also admitted failing to notify in accordance with the Sexual Offences Act.

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Derry Crown Court was told that two women were walking on the Strand Road in Derry when they heard two loud bangs, like someone banging on a window.

They looked up and saw the defendant standing naked in a window performing a lewd act.

One of the woman told her father, who notified the police.

Subsequent enquiries revealed the defendant to be the resident of the flat and forensic evidence also linked him to the offence.

It was revealed Porter is subject to the notification requirements of the Sexual Offences Act for a period of seven years for previous offences.

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Passing sentence, Judge Philip Babington said that it appeared that when Porter was resident at his Donegal home he was ‘content’.

He added Porter was less likely to re-offend while living there due to his improved mental health and the court felt it was for the best if he did not return to Derry.

The judge suspended a six month sentence for three years.