'Good Samaritan' who foiled robbery of post from Royal Mail van hailed by Derry police

A member of the public who helped foil the robbery of post from a Royal Mail van in Derry this week has been hailed for his vigilance.

The incident occurred in the Waterside in broad daylight.

The PSNI stated: "[On] Tuesday, December 1, 2020, at around 12:00 - 12:30pm an individual tried to break in to a Royal Mail Postal Van parked on Chapel Road. A good Samaritan, driving a blue BMW with his daughter in the car, witnessed this event and alerted the Postal Worker.

"Unfortunately the good Samaritan left before police arrived."

Police thanked the man for intervening and asked him to get in touch by calling 101 and quoting reference number 640 of 01/12/20.