Jailed for 12 years for raping and assaulting woman

Derry's Courthouse on Bishop Street. 3003JM66Derry's Courthouse on Bishop Street. 3003JM66
Derry's Courthouse on Bishop Street. 3003JM66
A man who raped and assaulted a woman over an eight month period has been jailed for 12 years.

Joseph Martin Healy, whose address was given as no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to two charges of rape and six charges of common assault.

The offences were committed between February and September 2013 against one victim.

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Derry Crown Court heard the woman was choked, strangled and bitten by the 29-year-old.

On one occasion Healy scraped a large kitchen knife along her chest after teasing her with threats of injury.

He also banged her head off the wall, squeezed her neck and covered her mouth whilst he slapped her face and bit her.

The court was told Healy urinated over the woman’s face before forcing her to perform a sexual act on him. This occurred on three occasions.

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He also raped her three times while she was being ‘donkey punched’ on the head and body.

The court heard this is something that is alleged to heighten sexual feelings during intercourse.

During police interview, Healy admitted the physical assaults but denied any sexual aspect to them or any other sexual offending.

It was revealed that the victim has ‘suffered considerably on a psychological level’ and has been receiving treatment and medication. This is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.

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Passing sentence, Judge Philip Babington said the offences were aggravated but the ‘humiliating violence over and above the sexual offending’ and the impact it had.

He added: “This case has contained some of the most terrible and concerning sexual offending this court has seen for a very long time.”

Healy will spend half his sentence in custody and the remaining half on licence.

He will also be on the sex offenders’ register and be subject to a sexual offences prevention order for an indefinite period.