Jailed for possessing hedge cutters, a knife and screwdriver

Bishop Street.Bishop Street.
Bishop Street.
A man was found outside a library with a pair of hedge cutters, a knife, scissors and a screwdriver, a court has heard.

Tiernan Gallen was also found to be in possession of a quantity of drugs.

Gallen, of Linkside Close, Strabane, admitted possessing the items on July 19.

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During police interview the 20-year-old claimed he was in Foyle Street to get a bus back to Strabane when he was approached by a man who he felt intimidated by.

Gallen claimed this man gave him the hedge cutters and the knife.

He said he had the scissors to cut his cannabis and the screwdriver to carry out repairs at his mother’s home.

Deputy District Judge Laura Ievers jailed Gallen for four months.