Knife-wielding robber caught on C.C.T.V.

One of the culprits captured on CCTV producing a knife as he enters the premises.One of the culprits captured on CCTV producing a knife as he enters the premises.
One of the culprits captured on CCTV producing a knife as he enters the premises.
CCTV images of a knife wielding would-be robber and his accomplice as they targeted a Derry newsagent last weekend have been released.

The cameras captured two young men with their faces partially obscured by scarves and hoods.

One of the men produces a knife just prior to entering White’s Newsagents on Westland Street.

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It is understood a shop assistant and customers were left shaken following the attempted robbery.

The two culprits captured on CCTV.The two culprits captured on CCTV.
The two culprits captured on CCTV.

Commenting on the incident, which occurred on Sunday, PSNI Detective Sergeant Richard Donnell said: “We received a report around 5:50pm that just minutes earlier, at approximately 5:45pm, two males had entered a shop on Westland Street.

“One of the suspects, reported to have worn a black jacket with the hood pulled up and of a slim build and had a scarf covering the lower half of his face, is reported to have brandished a knife. The second suspect is reported to have worn a purple-coloured tracksuit top that was pulled up over his face.

“The suspect armed with a knife is reported to have used it to damage the shop till and a screen covering a food counter. Both suspects left the shop on foot, empty handed. Thankfully none of the staff or customers in the shop at the time were injured, however, this must have been a distressing ordeal for them.”

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Sinn Féin Councillor Patricia Logue has urged people to be on the alert after three local shops were targeted in the Bogside area. She said: “This must have been a very frightening experience for anyone caught up in this. Sadly this is the third local shop targeted in recent months. There is only so much the owners of such premises can do to protect staff and their businesses against these criminals preying on our communities. I would urge any local resident with the slightest piece of information about anyone acting suspiciously in the area on Sunday afternoon to bring it forward.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Strand Road on 101, quoting reference number 1055 of 12/05/19 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.