Lyra McKee murder probe: Police raid at Junior McDaid House

A previous PSNI search of Junior McDaid House in Chamberlain Street last year. DER1418GS016A previous PSNI search of Junior McDaid House in Chamberlain Street last year. DER1418GS016
A previous PSNI search of Junior McDaid House in Chamberlain Street last year. DER1418GS016
Detectives investigating the murder of Lyra McKee have said they have seized a number of items for further investigation during a raid on Junior McDaid House in Derry today.

Detectives from PSNI Major Investigation Team carried out searches in Chamberlain Street in Derry this morning, Tuesday May 7.

A PSNI spokesperson said: “A number of items were seized during the search for further investigation.

“No arrests were made. Police enquiries are continuing.”

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Meanwhile in an online statement, representatives from Junior McDaid House said today: “National Offices of Saoradh, Junior McDaid House, is being targeted by British Crown Forces in another heavy handed rapid entry raid.

“Today’s raid comes after a call by pro establishment parties for British Crown Forces to put in place a tangible plan of action against Republicans.

“The criminalisation policy put in place by former Republicans cannot and will not go unchallenged. It is clear from recent actions by Crown Force cheerleaders that these calls for action against Republicans is part of the wider strategy to destroy Republican politics.

“Criminalisation of struggle needs normalisation of repression.”