Man acting suspicious and trying car door handles in Derry

PSNI appeal.PSNI appeal.
PSNI appeal.
Police are appealing for information after a report of a male acting suspiciously in the Danesfort Crescent area of Derry this morning, Sunday 19 April.

Sergeant Breen said: “It was reported, at around 8am, that a man had been acting in a suspicious manner just a short time earlier. It’s believed he was looking closely at vehicles in the street and, unsuccessfully, tried the door handles of several parked cars.

“I am appealing to anyone with information to get in touch on 101, quoting reference number 352 of 19/04/20.

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“I’d also like to take this opportunity to remind local people to take extra care to keep homes, cars and belongings safe.

“Always lock and close the windows of your vehicle when unattended, and don’t leave items on show. And if you have a garage, use it.

“Advice is available by contacting your local Crime Prevention Officer on 101.

“Please also keep a look out for older or vulnerable neighbours. If you see or hear anything that seems suspicious call 101 and in the event of an emergency call 999.”