Man claiming to have ‘healing hands’ charged with grabbing woman’s breasts in Altnagelvin

Altnagelvin Hospital.Altnagelvin Hospital.
Altnagelvin Hospital.
A man who claimed to have 'healing hands' has appeared at Derry Magistrates’ Court charged with sexual assault by grabbing a woman's breasts in Altnagelvin Hospital.

Christopher Woods, (59) of Duke Street in Derry, was charged with the offence that was said to have occurred on January 1 this year as well as a charge of assault on the same date.

Derry Magistrates’ Court heard on Tuesday that police were already at the hospital dealing with another matter when they received reports that a man was acting aggressively in the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department.

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The court heard that Woods was standing over a woman as she was sitting resulting in the woman moving away.

He then stopped her in a corridor telling her he had 'healing hands' and asking what was wrong with her, the court was told.

The court heard that he then allegedly proceeded to grab the woman before a nurse intervened.

Upon his arrest, Woods claimed to have no recollection of ever being in hospital, with the court hearing that he suffers from multiple personality disorder, claiming to have five personalities.

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Police opposed the application for bail as Woods is already on bail for similar offences and they believe he has a clear risk of reoffending.

A police officer said that police felt the defendant was a danger to all women and said there were no bail conditions that could keep him away from all females.

Defence solicitor Seamus Quigley said that Woods has accepted he had placed himself in a 'very difficult position' adding that he is an alcoholic who has recently relapsed.

He also added that Woods has apologised for any hurt or harm he may have caused.

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District Judge Barney McElholm said that Woods has a 'multitude of problems', saying that he was going to give him 'one final opportunity', granting bail with conditions that he obey a curfew, abstain from alcohol and non-prescribed drugs, not enter the grounds of Altnagelvin Hospital unless brought there by medical personal or police and have no contact with the victim.

He will appear again on January 25.