Man jailed after shouting ‘Sieg Heil’ and raising Nazi salute in Altnagelvin

Altnagelvin HospitalAltnagelvin Hospital
Altnagelvin Hospital
A man who shouted 'Sieg Heil' and made a Nazi salute while shouting racist abuse in Altnagelvin Hospital has been jailed at Derry Magistrates’ Court.

Anthony Martin Bradley (47) of Melrose Terrace admitted two sets of offences.

The court heard that on September 16 at 11.20am police were called to Altnagelvin to a report of a disorderly male.

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They were told Bradley attended the hospital and brought with him a bag of beer.

Staff believed he was drinking in the hospital and the beer was taken from him and he started swearing and shouting, the court heard.

He shouted he was 'not going anywhere' and it was believed he could assault someone, the court was told,

Bradley shouted racial slurs, then made the Nazi salute and had to be escorted from the hospital, the court heard.

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When police arrived staff said Bradley had gone towards Tesco and they found him in the car park.

At interview he admitted disorderly behaviour.

The court heard about another incident on June 20 at 3.50pm when police were called to Clooney Terrace where Bradley was sitting in the middle of the road.

He refused to move for police, then did, but refused to give his details. When asked for his name he said it was ‘Mickey Mouse’ and ‘Donald Duck’.

He told police he did not like 'blacks or Chinese' and added ‘I am white and proud of it,' the court was told.

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When placed in a cell van Bradley kicked the door, the court heard.

Defence solicitor Keith Kyle said the court would be' appalled' by the facts but added Bradley had pleaded guilty.

He said that to his client's credit the matters did not escalate into full scale violence.

The solicitor said that both offences were due to the consumption of alcohol.

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District Judge Barney McElholm said this man had done nothing to address his alcohol problem.

He said this was 'vile racist abuse' and in his report Bradley said it didn't matter to him that it was a hospital but the judge said 'it matters to me.'

Judge McElholm said this was 'absolutely appalling and disgraceful behaviour in front of children and sick people’.

He said only an immediate custodial sentence could meet the seriousness of the offences.

Bradley received a 7 month sentence.