Man ordered to pay £1,000 after assaulting police and spitting on officer’s face in hospital

A Strabane man who admitted being disorderly in Altnagelvin Hospital and assaulting police by spitting in an officer's face has been given a suspended sentence at Derry Magistrates’ Court and ordered to pay £1,000 in compensation.

Lee Doherty (31) of St Colman's Drive in Strabane admitted two assaults and a disorderly behaviour charge that occurred on November 5 this year.

He also admitted a charge of stealing an electronic tag on December 26. The court heard that police were called to assist ambulance staff in Strabane dealing with a man who had cut his face.

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He was taken to the hospital and became aggressive and lashed out at police officers, the court heard. He was handcuffed and while being taken through the hospital he tried to spit at one officer, the court was further told.

Doherty was then taken to a room where he kicked out striking an officer in the chest.

At this he was removed to a cell van and while being placed in the van he spat in an officer's face, Derry Magistrates’ Court was told.

The court also heard that on December 26 police were called to an incident involving the defendant.

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He appeared to have alcohol taken which breached his bail conditions and he was taken into custody.

While in custody it was noticed that his tag had been removed and he told police he did not know where it was.

Defence counsel Dean Mooney said the common feature in the offending was that police were trying to help Doherty.

He said his client's difficulties were 'exacerbated' by drink and drugs.

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District Judge Barney McElholm said that Doherty 'does himself no favours'.

The judge said he would give him 'one last opportunity to do something with himself.'

Describing the defendant’s behaviour in Altnagelvin Hospital as 'quite disgraceful', District Judge McElholm sentenced Doherty to five months in prison suspended for three years.

He also imposed a period of probation for 18 months and ordered the defendant to pay each of the police officers he assaulted £300 each and a further £400 to the Friends of Altnagelvin.