Manchester Attack: Ariana Grande offers to pay for victims' funerals

An image taken moments after the attack. Inset: Ariana Grande.An image taken moments after the attack. Inset: Ariana Grande.
An image taken moments after the attack. Inset: Ariana Grande.
Popstar, Ariana Grande, has reportedly offered to pay for the funerals for those who died as a result of a terror attack in Manchester on Monday.

Suicide bomber, Salman Abedi, 22, killed himself and 22 others, including young children, when he detonated an improvised explosive device in the foyer of the Manchester Arena after an Ariana Grande had finished.

Twitter fan page Ariana Updates posted details last night on the US singer's heroic gesture.

The 23 year-old American singer has suspended the rest of her European 'Dangerous Woman' tour and has returned home to Florida.