Medication, car keys stolen and woman awoken by male intruder during spate of Derry burglaries

Series of burglaries reported.Series of burglaries reported.
Series of burglaries reported.
Medication and car keys were stolen and a woman was awoken by a male intruder during a spate of burglaries in Top of the Hill in the early hours of this morning

Police believe the incidents may be linked and are appealing for witnesses.

Detective Sergeant Lizzie Ballentine said: “Police received a report at 1.00 pm that during the early hours of this morning, entry was gained a property in the Top of the Hill area. A quantity of medication was taken during this incident.

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“Another property in the Top of the Hill area was entered around 2.00 am, a car key was taken during this incident.

“A further report was made to police that sometime during the night entry was gained to a shed at a property in the Top of the Hill area, at this stage, it is not clear if anything was taken from this property.

“Meanwhile police received a report around 3.00am that a short time earlier the occupant of a house in the Top of the Hill area was awoken by a male leaving her property, it was discovered that someone had attempted to gain entry to the property via the window."

DS Ballentine asked anyone who thinks they may have useful information to come forwards.

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“Enquiries are continuing and police are investigating a link between these incidents.

“We would appeal to anyone who witnessed anything suspicious in either the Top of the Hill / Strabane Old Road areas during the early hours of this morning period to contact detectives on 101, quoting reference number 793 of 19/06/20," she said.