Shooting of police officer at youth sports centre 'brutal' and 'chilling'

A PSNI officer has been shot in OmaghA PSNI officer has been shot in Omagh
A PSNI officer has been shot in Omagh
SDLP leader Colum Eastwood has described the shooting of a police officer outside Omagh as 'brutal' and 'chilling'.

He was speaking following unconfirmed reports that the off duty officer was shot a number of times at a youth sports centre in Killyclogher.

The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service have confirmed one patient was taken to Altnagelvin after paramedics responded to a 999 call at 8.02pm following an incident in Slieveard.

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Mr. Eastwood said: "The brutal attack on a police officer in Omagh this evening is a chilling reminder of the horrifying violence that criminal gangs are willing to visit on the people of Northern Ireland.

“My thoughts and the thoughts of my SDLP colleagues are with the man and with the paramedics, doctors, nurses and police colleagues looking after him at this time. In the face of appalling violence that has no place in modern Ireland, their bravery and selfless dedication to service is an enduring reminder that for every individual determined to tear us apart, there are hundreds more committed to defending our peace and all those who live under it.

“Those behind this attack are committed to the fallacy that they are at war with the British establishment. Let me say very clearly to them that they are not. As I have said before, their fight is not with the British Government or the PSNI. Their fight is with the people of Ireland who have chosen peace. And it is a fight that they will never, never win.

“That an attack like this took place in Omagh, a place that bears the scars of violence more than many others but where people have shown immense strength, compassion and grace, must make this a powerful moment of reflection for all of us.

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"This is a moment to rededicate ourselves to the primacy of peace and resistance against violence. It is a moment for us all, one community and one people, to say we are never going back to this - not in our name."

The Foyle MP said his thoughts remained with the officer and that he hoped he made a recovery.