Suspended sentence for disorderly

Derry's Courthouse on Bishop Street. 3003JM66Derry's Courthouse on Bishop Street. 3003JM66
Derry's Courthouse on Bishop Street. 3003JM66
A teenager who called police '˜orange b*******' has had a three month sentence suspended for two years.

Martin McDonagh,of Strand Road, pleaded guilty to disorderly behaviour and resisting police on July 12.

He also admitted damaging his mother’s home.

Derry Magistrate’s Court heard police were called and the 19-year-old refused to let them enter the property.

He called the officers ‘orange b*******’ and ‘PSNI scum.’

Defence solicitor Seamus Quigley told the court his client was living with his mother at the time and is a ‘bit of handful’ for her.