Suspended sentence for driving offences after man drove off

Bishop Street courthouse.Bishop Street courthouse.
Bishop Street courthouse.
A driver who made off when he saw police almost caused a collision as one of his doors was still open, a court has heard.

Conor Mercer, of Glendale Drive, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving on October 13, last year.

The 24-year-old also admitted having no licence or insurance to drive the vehicle.

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Derry Magistrate’s Court heard that police on the Racecourse Road at around 10.45pm saw a car driven by Mercer.

The vehicle was stationery by the side of the road and someone was alighting from it.

As police officers approached the car, it made off with the passenger door still open. The court heard this almost caused a collision.

A week later police saw Mercer at the same vehicle and approached him.

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The defendant claimed he had only purchased the car that day.

He denied driving it on the night the offences were committed.

Mercer was given a six month sentence, suspended for three years.

He was also disqualified from driving for three years and fined £100.