Taxi driver delivers '˜disorderly nuisance' to police station

The courthouse at Bishop Street, Derry.The courthouse at Bishop Street, Derry.
The courthouse at Bishop Street, Derry.
A taxi driver took a 29-year-old drunk man to the police station because he was '˜causing a nuisance' in his car, a court has heard.

Cathal Feeney became abusive to police after he refused to leave the taxi.

Feeney, of Crawford Square, pleaded guilty to disorderly behaviour on February 23.

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Derry Magistrate’s Court heard the taxi driver took Feeney to the police station because he wouldn’t get out of his car. He was ‘drunk and causing a nuisance’.

Officers approached the car and Feeney became abusive telling them to ‘f*** off’.

Police got him out of the car but he continued to be abusive and pushed the officers.

Defence solicitor, Seamus Quilgey, said his client has ‘long standing alcohol issues’ which he is trying to address.

Deputy District Judge Liam McStay suspended a two month sentence for 18 months.