These are the worst areas of Northern Ireland for hate crime

Hate crime in NI has risen by 10 percent compared to last year (Photo: Shutterstock)Hate crime in NI has risen by 10 percent compared to last year (Photo: Shutterstock)
Hate crime in NI has risen by 10 percent compared to last year (Photo: Shutterstock)
New figures from PSNI show a rise in racist hate crimes of nearly 10 per cent compared to last year.

Overall figures for hate-related crimes including racist, homophobic, transphobic, sectarian, anti-disability and religion-based hatred has shown a rise of 10 per cent recorded by the PSNI. Just under 14 per cent of crimes have led to a police outcome (covering results such as a charge, community resolution or cautions). More than 65 per cent of all recorded hate crime incidents were later classified as crimes by PSNI, up from 60 per cent last year.