'Tooth fairy' police checking dental records after unusual Derry discovery

Tooth implantTooth implant
Tooth implant
The PSNI are checking dental records after an unusual discovery in Derry city centre: a tooth implant!

And now police at Strand Road are acting as a king of reverse tooth fairy in a bid to return the item to its owner.

The PSNI stated: "Eagle eyed Constable JB found this item when out on cycle patrol [on Monday] in the city centre. A tooth implant!!!

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"Did you know that your Police Service handle thousands of items of lost property on an annual basis? I’m almost sure this is a first of this kind.

"We’d love to be able to return this valuable item to the owner. Someone should notice that it’s missing, you’d think.

"It reminds me of the Cinderella story in a messed up kind of way.

"Please contact us on 101 and quote this Foyle PSNI post if you are the owner. Help us solve this mystery!!"

One Derry wag quipped "a report has been prepared for The Crown Prosecution Service!"