WARNING - This convicted killer is on the loose in Northern Ireland

Thomas McCabe.Thomas McCabe.
Thomas McCabe.
The P.S.N.I. are trying to locate a convicted killer who is unlawfully at large in Northern Ireland.

Thomas McCabe, 55, was sentenced to life for murder but was released from prison on licence however following a number of breaches his licence was revoked in January 2018.

“He is described as around 5' 8" tall, of medium build with short grey coloured hair. We believe he has connections to Newry, Newtownabbey , and Dublin.

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"I would appeal to anyone who has seen Thomas McCabe, or who knows of his whereabouts to contact us on 101.

“I would also appeal directly to him directly to hand himself in.”

Alternatively, information can also be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 which is 100% anonymous.