Woman accused of preventing the legal burial of her partner

Court appearance.Court appearance.
Court appearance.
A woman accused of preventing the legal burial of her partner has been granted bail.

Derry Magistrate’s Court heard that police believe the man had dead for several weeks and that his body was in a state of ‘significant decomposition’.

It was also revealed his body would have been clearly visible if anyone had looked through the window of the flat in Bayview Terrace.

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Catherine Young, of Bayview Terrace, is charged with preventing the legal burial of a corpse and fraud by false representation.

The 35-year-old is further charged with the theft of a bank card, car keys and a car on November 22.

An investigating officer told the court she believed she could connect Young to all the charges.

She said that police were alerted by the defendant’s friend in England that she was threatening to harm herself.

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Officers began an investigation and as a result the corpse of Young’s partner was found in Bayview Terrace.

The court heard that officers spoke to Young and it is alleged she was aware of the dead man before the officers mentioned it.

The officer said Young had been in a mental health facility until November 18 and left contrary to medical advice.

She told the court police believe Young went to Ballymoney, stole a car belonging to an acquaintance and driven to Derry.

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The officer said they aware from CCTV footage that she had been outside the flat in Bayview Terrace on Saturday and had checked post at the address.

She said police cannot confirm if the 35-year-old had entered the flat, but had allegedly asked another tenant if they had seen the deceased.

It is further alleged that Young had attempted to use the deceased’s bank card.

The officer told the court the body of the dead man was clearly visible lying on a bed if anyone had looked through the window.

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She said the last time the dead man had been seen alive was on October 30 and police believed he has been dead for several weeks.

The officer added that police do not believe there was anything suspicious about the death.

Under cross-examination by defence counsel Damian Halleron, the officer said there is no evidence at this stage placing Young inside the flat.

She also confirmed that fingerprints and other forensics are awaiting analysis.

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Mr Halleron told the court his client is a vulnerable person with mental health issues.

The barrister said this had been ‘a distressing experience’ for Young and asked the court not ‘to add to her misery’ by remanding her in custody.

District Judge Oonagh Mullen released Young on her own bail of £750 to an address approved by the PSNI.

She will be subject to a curfew, an electronic tag and a ban on consuming both alcohol and non-prescribed drugs.

The judge also stipulated that Young attend with her GP withing days of her release. Young will appear again on December 10.