Woman caught drink driving twice on same day

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A woman who was caught drink driving twice on the same day has had a five month sentence suspended for three years.

Angela Dorothy Floyd had also been disqualified from driving in her absence that day for similar offences.

Floyd, of Lisnagowan Court, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol, driving whilst disqualified and having no insurance.

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The 41-years-old also admitted to being in charge of a car with excess alcohol.

The offences were committed 12 hours apart on May 16.

Derry Magistrate’s Court heard the defendant was found in her car on the Madam’s Bank Road with a bottle of vodka on her knee.

A breath test gave a reading of 100 mgs of alcohol in 100 ml s.of breath.

Floyd was released on police bail. The court heard that she had been disqualified from driving when appearing at Omagh Magistrate’s Court earlier that day.

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Shortly after 9pm police came across Floyd in the Lenamore Road area and she claimed the car had broken down. However, a witness informed them the defendant had been driving.

A breath test gave a reading of 121 mgs. of alcohol in 100 mls. of breath.

Defence counsel Jonathan Longman said this was a ‘very sad case’ and his client was in a ‘bad place’ at the time of the offences.

Suspending the sentence, District Judge Barney McElholm also ordered the defendant to spend 12 months on pronbation and he disqualified her from driving for five years.