Dean of Derry gets new appointment in Dublin

Dean of Derry, Rev William Morton.Dean of Derry, Rev William Morton.
Dean of Derry, Rev William Morton.
Dean of St Columb's Cathedral, Rev William Morton is set to move to Dublin after being elected as the next Dean and Ordinary of Ireland's main Church of Ireland Cathedral, St Patrick's.

Rev Morton (59) will succeed the Very Revd. Victor Stacey, who retired at the end of March.

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin is the National Cathedral of the Church of Ireland and the dean has been elected from among the members of the Cathedral Chapter by the members of the Chapter.

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Dr Morton is currently the Dean of Derry and is also already Prebendary of Howth (St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin).

During his almost 20 years at St Columb’s Cathedral, Dean Morton has diversified the role of the historic building, hosting a number of cross-community and ecumenical events in the form of exhibitions, lectures, seminars and guided tours.

He has also been very involved in several community initiatives.

The Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Ken Good, congratulated Dean Morton on his appointment, describing it as “a fitting recognition of his highly effective work as Dean of Derry over the past 19 years”.

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Bishop Good said: “William’s ministry in St Columb’s Cathedral, in the city of Londonderry, in the Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe, and in the wider church and community, has been selflessly exercised and greatly appreciated,” Bishop Good said.

“His liturgical proficiency, pastoral dedication and musical expertise are ideally suited to cathedral ministry. The major restoration projects he has overseen in St Columb’s Cathedral have been particularly effective and widely applauded.

“On behalf of the Diocese, I wish to thank William and his wife Rosemary for the remarkably generous manner in which they have given of themselves to the life and witness of St Columb’s Cathedral and I wish them every blessing as they prepare for their move to St Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin.”

The Most Revd Dr Richard Clarke, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, said, “I wish Dean Morton well on his election as the next Dean of the National Cathedral, and to this new phase of his life and ministry.

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“I know that he will draw on his extensive and valuable experience as Dean of Derry in this important role in the life of the Church.”

The Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin, said, “I wish to express my good wishes to the Very Revd William Morton, Dean of Derry, on his election as Dean of St Patrick’s Cathedral. Dean Morton will bring a wide range of gifts to his new position. Personally, I look forward to working with him in the months and years ahead.”

This afternoon’s election was preceded by a celebration of the Eucharist by the Archbishop of Dublin. Following the election, the Dean-elect, together with the collegiate body, processed to the chancel, where a setting of Te Deum was sung by the cathedral choir. Details of the new dean’s installation will follow in due course.”

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