Derry Easter Monday parade organisers predict PSNI opposition after Lurgan arrests

The organisers of a scheduled Easter parade in Derry tomorrow believe the PSNI will try to stop it but have vowed to proceed with the event as planned.

The Derry 1916 Commemoration Committee, have predicted that Creggan will be "swamped" by police officers tasked with preventing the unnotified demonstration.

The claims of the committee, which has the support of the Saoradh political organisation, follow the arrest of several participants in a Republican Sinn Féin Easter commemoration in Lurgan on Saturday.

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In a statement, which has been submitted to Junior McDaid House in Chamberlain Street, the committee said: “Over the past number of weeks, the Derry 1916 Commemoration Committee have been made aware of threats emanating from the upper echelons of the RUC/PSNI.

"We have been told that Creggan will be swamped with the Crown Forces and the march will not be allowed to take place.

"Having witnessed what happened in Lurgan, where the Republican Sinn Féin commemoration was attacked and those taking part arrested, it is now our belief that the same methods will be used on Monday.

"The Derry 1916 Commemoration Committee call on the people of Derry to join us in Creggan, 2 p.m. on Monday and honour our patriot dead and defy those who refuse to let us do so in peace.

"We also have a message for British Crown Forces Assistant Chief Constable Stephen Martin, we will never be broken."

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