Derry to bask in glorious sunshine this afternoon

The temperature in Derry on Monday afternoon is predicted to be around 20C.The temperature in Derry on Monday afternoon is predicted to be around 20C.
The temperature in Derry on Monday afternoon is predicted to be around 20C.
The temperature is expected to rise to just under 20°C in Derry this afternoon.

Monday morning started off very cloudy but according to the Met Office, Derry will enjoy full sunshine from 1pm right through to 8pm.

The temperature is expected to rise to arround 18°C or 19°C.

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The Ultra Violet (U.V.) index will be at seven in the early afternoon. This means people should protect their skin from direct exposure to the sun.

The outlook for Tuesday is for cloudy skies but the temperature is expected to remain at around 18°C.

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