DfC respects right to protest but brands unannounced Orchard House sit-in 'disruptive'

Protesters outside Orchard House today.Protesters outside Orchard House today.
Protesters outside Orchard House today.
The Department for Communities has said it respects the right of peaceful protest but has described this afternoon's unannounced sit-in at Orchard House as 'disruptive.'

In a statement issued after the Action Against Cuts protest, the Department said: “At around 12.00 today around 40 unannounced protestors gained access to Orchard House.

"Despite requests, the protestors refused to leave the building and remained on site until 2 p.m. The Police were notified and responded to the incident.

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"The Department for Communities respects the right to protest, however an unannounced incident of this type causes concern and is disruptive to the many public services delivered from Orchard House.”

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