Dublin must havebigger role: SDLP

SDLP leader Colum EastwoodSDLP leader Colum Eastwood
SDLP leader Colum Eastwood
The SDLP leader Colum Eastwood has reiterated his call for greater Dublin involvement in the governance of the North if the DUP and Sinn Féin continue to hold up a return to power-sharing at Stormont.

Mr. Eastwood said his party’s preferred course remained a restored Executive, however, he said that, in the absence of such a resolution, a reversion to British Direct Rule was not acceptable.

“If the DUP and Sinn Féin continue to fail to show leadership and deliver an agreement, political decisions will need to be made to protect our people and our public services,” he said.

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“Joint stewardship was proposed by the two governments as far back as April 2006. It is not a new idea, nor is it an unreasonable idea.

“Those who suggest that joint stewardship of the North somehow goes against the principle of consent are fundamentally wrong.

“The alternative of joint Tory/DUP direct rule from London would radically undermine the principles of the Good Friday Agreement,” concluded Mr. Eastwood..