Dungiven play park hours under review

The play park at Curragh Road in Dungiven.The play park at Curragh Road in Dungiven.
The play park at Curragh Road in Dungiven.
Opening hours at one of the main play parks in Dungiven have been restricted as work continues on a new multi-million pound sports complex.

The park on Curragh Road is beside the site of the new multi-million pound sports complex.

Officials from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council say due to health and safety reasons it has been necessary to restrict park hours during weekdays.

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Local Sinn Fein councillor Sean McGlinchey said he can understand why the Council has taken the decision, and says safety must be a priority, however, he hopes Causeway Council will look at other possibilities for a second entrance so the park can be accessed during regular hours.

“It is probably the main park in Dungiven and it is well used. I hope with summer approaching they can look at making a second entrance that is safe for everyone,” he said.

A local parent said while it is disappointing the park is open at certain times, she understood the decision.

“Of course, it’s disappointing, but I think it’s a little sacrifice. If it means children will be safe then it’s a small price to pay, and I’m sure the Council didn’t make that decision lightly,” said the parent, who added: “Hopefully, they’ll look at other options.”

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A spokesperson for Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council said: “The park is shut during the working hours of the site, generally 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, and open evenings and weekends. This regime is being kept under review but is expected to last for the duration of the works i.e. until February 2017.

“The reason for the closure is on the grounds of Health and Safety given the heavy lorries and equipment going in and out of the site right beside the play park throughout the working day for the duration of the construction works.”