Dungiven sports complex sod cutting

Sports Minister Carál Ni Chuilin and deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness with Ryan O'Connor and Dungiven boxer Paul McCloskey. Picture: Michael CooperSports Minister Carál Ni Chuilin and deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness with Ryan O'Connor and Dungiven boxer Paul McCloskey. Picture: Michael Cooper
Sports Minister Carál Ni Chuilin and deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness with Ryan O'Connor and Dungiven boxer Paul McCloskey. Picture: Michael Cooper
DCAL Minister Carál Ni Chuilin has confirmed she will be back in Dungiven for the sod cutting of the Dungiven sports facilities project.

The multi-million pound project finally received the green light after months of controversry about a funding shortfall.

Speaking to the ‘Journal’, the minister said: “I said following the decision of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council to back plans for the new sport and leisure complex in Dungiven that I looked forward to construction commencing on site. I am pleased that the sod cutting will take place before the end of this month and the people of the area can begin to see their hopes of many years finally becoming a reality.”