Durkan welcomes commitment to introduce Brandywell road markings

The area of the Brandywell where the road markings are to be introduced.The area of the Brandywell where the road markings are to be introduced.
The area of the Brandywell where the road markings are to be introduced.
SDLP Foyle MLA Mark H Durkan has welcomed the decision to introduce road junction markings on roads in a busy area of the Brandywell estate.

Transport NI have now agreed to put road markings on the junction of Deanery Road and Donegal Place.

The move follows concerns raised by residents living in the area.

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Mr Durkan said that after being told about the issue he has contacted authorities and urged them to look at the situation.

Speaking about the issue, Mr Durkan said: “It has been brought to my attention by residents of Donegal Place, and by parents of children attending the adjacent Gaelscoil Edain Mhoir, that the lack of road markings in this area was posing a significant danger.

“I subsequently made representation Transport NI who have committed to carrying out the necessary improvements.”

He added that residents could expect progress soon. “This work should be undertaken in early August which will make the road safer in time for the new school term.”