Election 2017: Pat Hume urges people to '˜come out in strength' for Mark Durkan

Pat and John Hume with Mark Durkan and his wife, Jackie.Pat and John Hume with Mark Durkan and his wife, Jackie.
Pat and John Hume with Mark Durkan and his wife, Jackie.
Pat Hume, wife of Nobel laureate John Hume, has urged people in Derry to '˜come out in strength' on Thursday, June 8, in support of SDLP Foyle Westminster candidate Mark Durkan.

Pat Hume said: “John and I have known Mark for over thirty years and we know just how deeply he cares about the people of Derry.

“Mark is an honest, decent man of great integrity who will continue to work tirelessly for all the people of our city.

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“He is also regarded as an excellent legislator with a huge degree of influence in Westminster.

“With all of the uncertainties of Brexit, the people of Derry need a strong, positive and progressive voice in the House of Commons.

“They also need an MP who will strongly oppose the Conservative Party’s plans for new cuts to welfare benefits, tax credits for working families and pensions.

“Mark is also an enormous asset to have in helping drive forward economic growth in Derry through his vision for a ‘City Deal’ which would create more jobs for our young people.

“I have no doubts the people of Derry will come out in strength on June 8 and stand shoulder to shoulder with him, just as they stood with John and me over many years.”