Appeal to young people ignoring life-saving social distancing advice

Sinn Fein Councillor Aileen MellonSinn Fein Councillor Aileen Mellon
Sinn Fein Councillor Aileen Mellon
Derry Sinn Féin Councillor Aileen Mellon has appealed to young people in the city to heed advice about social distancing.

Her appeal follows reports that young people in Galliagh and other areas of the city are still gathering in large groups and clusters despite the advice of health experts.

Colr. Mellon said: “I have been contacted by residents with concerns that groups of up to 30 young people are still gathering to interact. My message is not to chastise; it is to ask young people to think about your actions. Think about the amount of people you are coming into contact with, think about your own health and think of those of ill health in your own family that you can carry home to.

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“Social distancing can be very tough for teenagers who often depend on their friendships for personal well-being. Use the technology that many of you have, you can see each other through video calls or talk over text. If you have to get out of the house maybe arrange with one other person and go a walk where it isn’t crowded. We need everyone to be responsible, not potentially put more pressure on our health workers by not listening to advice they are giving.”

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