Badly damaged Cornshell Fields road to be repaired in January

SDLP Councillor Rory Farrell.SDLP Councillor Rory Farrell.
SDLP Councillor Rory Farrell.
SDLP Councillor Rory Farrell has welcomed news that the road in Cornshell Fields will be resurfaced in January.

Following correspondence with the Department for Infrastructure, the Ballyarnett representative said he has received confirmation over recent days which states that “the resurfacing work at Cornshell Fields is programmed to start on site in early January 2021”.

Councillor Farrell commented: “The road in Cornshell Fields is in serious need of repair and this announcement will be warmly welcomed by local residents.

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“They have had to navigate a way through pot holes on a daily basis and thankfully this will soon be a distant memory.

“Previous plans were postponed due to a gas installation scheme in the development. The gas scheme is now complete and DfI Roads can now proceed with resurfacing.

“This is good news and well overdue.”