Galliagh works progression welcomed

Sinn Féin Foyle MLA Martina Anderson with Councillors for the Galliagh/ Ballyarnett area Aileen Mellon and Sandra Duffy at the construction site.Sinn Féin Foyle MLA Martina Anderson with Councillors for the Galliagh/ Ballyarnett area Aileen Mellon and Sandra Duffy at the construction site.
Sinn Féin Foyle MLA Martina Anderson with Councillors for the Galliagh/ Ballyarnett area Aileen Mellon and Sandra Duffy at the construction site.
Sinn Féin Foyle MLA Martina Anderson has welcomed progress on the long-awaited Galliagh Community Centre as well as the refurbishment of the nearby Galliagh Residents’ Centre hub.

Speaking after visiting the construction site next to the Spar in Galliagh with local Councillors, Aileen Mellon and Sandra Duffy, Martina Anderson said: “I am delighted to see progress being made on this long-awaited project for the people of Galliagh.

“Sinn Féin Councillors along with others including community activists have campaigned for this facility for many years and it is to their credit that we can now look forward to the community finally having a centre that fits their needs.”

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Funding of £1.4million for the project was provided by the Department for Communities, in conjunction with Derry City and Strabane District Council.

Sinn Féin Foyle MLA Martina Anderson with Councillors for the Galliagh/ Ballyarnett area Aileen mellon and Sandra Duffy at the centre.Sinn Féin Foyle MLA Martina Anderson with Councillors for the Galliagh/ Ballyarnett area Aileen mellon and Sandra Duffy at the centre.
Sinn Féin Foyle MLA Martina Anderson with Councillors for the Galliagh/ Ballyarnett area Aileen mellon and Sandra Duffy at the centre.

Ms. Anderson said this commitment will result in “what will no doubt be a great asset for the Galliagh community and its support organisations providing space for the community to come together and to build for the future is being delivered”.

“Much credit must go to all those who persevered in their objective to ensure that Galliagh gets the facilities denied it for far too long. I look forward to its completion and the community taking ownership of what promises to be a first-class facility,” she added.

The three public representatives have also paid a visit to the Galliagh Residents’ Centre, which has been refurbished thanks to a Housing Executive investment of £11,000 for works including windows.

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The Foyle MLA said: “This assistance will help provide improved working conditions for the volunteers and staff of the Centre who deliver essential support to the local community. And while this funding is a good start of long required investment, I would urge other statutory bodies to step up with their contribution to this and other much-needed services in the greater Galliagh area.

“This is the form of meaningful investment that is required so that premises such as this are fit for purpose and that services and support can continue to be delivered to all members and ages in the Galliagh community - particularly our youth and the elderly.”