Peak expected as cases across Ireland top 11,000

Robin Swann at Parliament Buildings, Stormont. (PressEye)Robin Swann at Parliament Buildings, Stormont. (PressEye)
Robin Swann at Parliament Buildings, Stormont. (PressEye)
Health Minister Robin Swann has written to all health care workers “ahead of the expected Covid-19 surge in the coming days”.

His letter has been issued as hopes rise that a COVID19 testing facility for all health care staff in the north west will open in the coming days.

Latest statistics show there are now almost 12,000 cases of people being diagnosed with COVID19 across Ireland, north and south, and that over 460 people with the virus are known to have died.

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Mr Swann said he was very aware of the incredible work pressures health workers were facing “with a mixture of determination, deep anxiety and great pride in the work you and your colleagues are doing”.

He said a massive amount of work had gone into preparing for this point. “We have moved mountains,” he said. “We have all seen the reports from Italy and Spain. We have seen the severe impact this virus can have on society. However, there are some indications that the peak here may potentially be less severe than we had feared at one time. Obviously, there are no grounds whatsoever for complacency across our community. We cannot undo the efforts made to date. We all have to dig deep and keep doing the right thing – staying at home, saving lives and protecting the health service.

“Even with the impact of social distancing, we will see significant pressures on our hospitals and our critical care services in the coming weeks. From the current trajectory of the virus, it would appear that we can expect to reach a peak of cases in the next fortnight.”

He added: “In the difficult weeks ahead, please know that everyone is grateful for what you are doing. Because of your actions, people will live who might otherwise have died. There is nothing more important than this.”

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When asked whether a testing facility for health care workers will be opened in Derry, a spokesperson for the Department of Health said: “It is intended to open companion sites to the SSE Arena testing facility, starting in the west of the province. Further details will be provided later this week.”