Progress on new Glen Community centre will be welcomed by local community - Mullan

Foyle Sinn Fein MLA Karen Mullan.Foyle Sinn Fein MLA Karen Mullan.
Foyle Sinn Fein MLA Karen Mullan.
Sinn Féin MLA Karen Mullan has welcomed a report coming to a Derry & Strabane Council committee this week which will recommend that a site in Creggan Burn Park is approved as the preferred location for the new Glen Community Centre.

The new £2m centre once approved and built will provide a neew base for Glen Development Initative and programmes and classes run in the area.

The Foyle MLA said: “I am delighted that the report is coming to council after several years of work on the issue by the Glen Development Initiative, Sinn Féin and others.

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“This is another key milestone in the plans to construct a modern state of the art community facility in the area to replace the current building which is well past its sell by date.

“Council have already approved match funding for the new centre and I am continuing to work with the Department for the Communities to progress match funding.”

“The work being done by my party colleagues Martina Anderson and Mickey Cooper to resolve issues related to Creggan Reservoir will also hopefully see planning permission being granted for the new community centre in the coming months.

“I am sure the local community will be delighted at the progress being made to provide them with a facility that they can be proud of.”