Residents concerned over dog fouling in Bogside area

People have been urged to clean up after their dogs.People have been urged to clean up after their dogs.
People have been urged to clean up after their dogs.
Residents in the Little Diamond area of the city have called on the local Council to crack down on dog walkers failing to clean up after their pets.

A local man told the Journal that residents were fed up having to navigate round dog dirt outside their homes.

He said the issue was happening with some irresponsible dog owners who regularly allow their dogs to foul the pavements from this area right up to Creggan Hill.

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“Certain people are always letting their dogs do their business without picking up after them, and people are very annoyed about it,” he said, adding: “There are also children walking to the local primary school in this area as well who might not even know they have stepped in dog mess.

“We are asking the Council to look into it to see if anything can be done because it is happening regularly and it is a health and safety issue. We have had it happening right outside our homes quite a few times. and we want it to stop”

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