Ex-Paras have been questioned on Bloody Sunday

Former paratroopers have been questioned over Bloody Sunday.Former paratroopers have been questioned over Bloody Sunday.
Former paratroopers have been questioned over Bloody Sunday.
A number of former British Parachute Regiment soldiers have been questioned in England over their suspected involvement in killings on Bloody Sunday.

Relatives of those shot dead and wounded on January 30, 1972 during a civil rights demonstration in the city have been notified by the PSNI that the eight former soldiers have been questioned at police stations in England.

Late last year, the eight suspects won a High Court ruling exempting them from being brought to Northern Ireland for questions after contending their lives are still under threat 44 years after the events of Bloody Sunday. The move came as part of the overall PSNI investigation into the murders of 14 people.

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A statement from PSNI Detective Chief Inspector Ian Harrison from the Legacy Investigation Branch said: “Officers investigating the events of Bloody Sunday interviewed a number of former military personnel in March and further interviews with other ex-soldiers are being arranged over the coming months. We will continue to carry out our investigations in accordance with our statutory obligations as directed by the High Court.”

A letter from the police liason officer for the Bloody Sunday relatives, seen by the ‘Journal’, also confirms that the eight former soldiers suspected of killings took place last month.

It states: “As further interviews with other former soldiers are to take place, it would not be appropriate as this time to detail the identity of those interviwed in March or comment on the content of the interviews.

“I appreciate that the families will wish to know these details and at a future date I would hope to be in a position to provide additional information to them which would have an impact on the inquiry as a whole.

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“The after caution interviews of a number of other former soldiers are confirmed to take place in April, 2016. The dates for the interview of the remaining soldiers are in the process of being finalised with their legal representatives and it is hoped that these can be arranged during April/May 2016.”

The letter also asserts that after that point families of those killed and wounded will receive an update from the PSNI and that there has been no reduction in resources given to carry out the ongoing investigation.