Exhibition of art at NWRC

Tutors Gaenor Speer and Emma Dickson pictured at North West Regional College's end of year show in Limavady. PIcture Martin McKeown. Inpresspics.com. 08.06.16Tutors Gaenor Speer and Emma Dickson pictured at North West Regional College's end of year show in Limavady. PIcture Martin McKeown. Inpresspics.com. 08.06.16
Tutors Gaenor Speer and Emma Dickson pictured at North West Regional College's end of year show in Limavady. PIcture Martin McKeown. Inpresspics.com. 08.06.16
The annual North West Regional College exhibition of art, design and multi-media continues until June 14th June at the West Wing of the Limavady Campus.

The exhibition displays the works created by students at the college over the past year and includes unique pieces including a costume designed by the winner of Royal Opera House Costume Design Challenge; and a variety of drawings, illustrations, paintings, photography, sculpture, prints, textiles, fashion design and multimedia artwork.

Sheila O’Brien, NWRC Curriculum Manager for Art and Design said the “showcase exhibition” celebrates the “amazing creative talents of our students” and exhibits the “high quality of skills and artistry that our students can create”. Viewing is from June 14th, 10am until 3pm, Monday to Friday.