Family confirm body found in Foyle is Jack Glenn

23-year-old Jack Glenn.23-year-old Jack Glenn.
23-year-old Jack Glenn.
The family of Jack Glenn have confirmed that the body recovered from the river Foyle yesterday was that of the 23 year old.

In a message issued through the Get Jack Back Facebook page, the young Waterside man’s father Colin posted:

“At last I can confirm we got Jack back.

“Jack will be laid to rest on Saturday 1st April.

“Jack’s remains will leave his grandparents home 55 Caw Hill Park , Waterside Londonderry/ Derry at 12:30 for a 1 o’clock service in Ebrington Presbyterian church followed buy burial in Altnagelvin cemetery.

“Everyone welcome and I would love to see you all again.

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“Thank you all for your hard work, help and support over the past 7 1/2 weeks.

Colin x.”

The search for Jack Glenn had been ongoing since he entered the river on February 2nd.

His remains were recovered yesterday afternoon by the Boyne Fishermen’s Rescue organisation, who have been involved in the search operation.

Over the past seven and a half weeks, family and friends, supported by emergency and rescue services from across Ireland plus hundreds of volunteers, have been tirelessly patrolling the river and shoreline in a united effort to recover his remains.

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Throughout that time, there have been regular vigils close to the river, during which local people have prayed for the recovery of Jack’s remains.

A major online social media campaign, under the hashtag #getjackback, was also launched to help recruit volunteers and raise awareness.