Female shop assistant shaken after robber produces butcher's knife

A female shop assistant was left shaken after being forced to hand over cash by a robber wielding a butcher's knife in Derry on Sunday morning.

Detective Sergeant Richard Donnell said: “We received a report just after 10.20 a.m. that a male had entered a shop on Blucher Street armed with what was described as a butcher knife and demanded money from the till. He subsequently made off with a sum of money from the till. "The staff member was not injured, but they were left shaken. "The suspect is described as being aged in his teens , and is reported to have worn a hat and a black rain jacket."

Local Sinn Féin Councillor Sharon Duddy said “This must have been a very frightening experience for the female member of staff caught up in this.

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“There is only so much the owners of such premises can do to protect staff and their businesses against these criminals preying on our communities.

“I would urge any local resident with the slightest piece of information about anyone acting suspiciously in the area on Sunday morning to bring it forward."

DS Donnell said: "I am appealing to anyone who was in the area at the time and who saw a man matching the description of the suspect, or anyone who knows anything about the incident to contact detectives at Strand Road on 101, quoting reference number 527 of 16/02/19.”Alternatively, information can also be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 which is 100% anonymous and gives people the power to speak up and stop crime.

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