Fundraising drive to help bring Sr. Clare's remains home

Sr Clare pictured with some young people.Sr Clare pictured with some young people.
Sr Clare pictured with some young people.
A Justgiving fundraising campaign has ben launched to help cover the costs of bringing Derry nun Sr Clare Crockett home for burial.

The page was set up in the wake of the Ecuadorian Earthquake tragedy which claimed the lives of Sr Clare (33) and over 270 others, with thousands more injured.

As emergency teams continue to deal with the devastating tragedy, Sr Clare’s family were today working with Embassy officials and others to try to arrange for her remains to be returned to Derry.

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The Justgiving page is hoping to raise £3,000 to help cover the costs of repatriation.

The author of the page states: “Clare is a lovely Derry girl from the Brandywell area who found her calling at 18 years of age and has selflessly dedicated her life to helping others ever since.

“There was a major earthquake in Ecuador. The roof of the Sisters house in Playa Prieta, where Clare taught in collapsed, and Clare tragically lost her life whilst selflessly trying to lead three candidates to safety.

“Unfortunately, at this sad time the family is faced with the ordeal of having to pay to get Clare’s body home to where she belongs.

“Clare would have done anything to help anyone and we would be forever grateful if you could help Clare’s family at this difficult time by making a donation to help with the costs.”