Good weather sparks vandalism spree - Cusack

SDLP Councillor Shauna Cusack.  (DR4113JB145)SDLP Councillor Shauna Cusack.  (DR4113JB145)
SDLP Councillor Shauna Cusack. (DR4113JB145)
SDLP Derry Councillor Shauna Cusack has hit out at a spate of underage drinking and vandalism at local parks and pedestrianised areas.

Colr. Cusack condemned a series of incidences across parks and walkways in the Rosemount and Glen areas over the past weekend of good weather.

Calling on parents to make sure they know their children’s whereabouts, she said: “While we are all uplifted to see the good weather, there is always the sense of dread by residents at what that also means. I had advised the community of this in advance and circulated relevant contact numbers.

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“Regrettably, as predicted, there were a number of incidences of underage drinking and nuisance in the Cregganburn and Rosemount areas which were also accompanied by littering, smashing glass and general destruction in an area where children walk to school.”

Colr. Cusack said the incidents were attended by the Community Wardens and the PSNI.

She said: “I have been informed that one young girl was in such a state she had to be accompanied home by the authorities. This is deeply concerning. This is a pattern which cannot be tolerated and I will be pushing for this to be regularly patrolled so it’s nipped in the bud.

“These are open family spaces and just because the sun is shining does not give anyone the permission to destroy our shared spaces.

“It would appear,” she added, “ the culprits were not local but from Galliagh and Creggan.”

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