Hazzard announces plan to consult on bilingual bus signage in Derry

Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard. (Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.)Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard. (Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.)
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard. (Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.)
Infrastructure Minister, Chris Hazzard has announced plans to consult on the introduction of bilingual signage for destination screens on some bus services in Derry City.

Minister Hazzard said: “Translink has provided bilingual destination information on buses travelling along Metro corridor 10 in Belfast for some time.

“This has been well received by those using the services.

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“I now want to look at the possibility of introducing similar signage in Irish in Derry city. I believe that the provision of this information would be welcomed by many in the city and would improve access to public services by Irish speakers.

“I have therefore asked Translink to take forward a public consultation on this issue, with a view to signage being in place in May this year.

“The consultation will formally launch in March following the completion of an Equality Impact Assessment and engagement with key stakeholders. I would urge people to come forward with their views during the upcoming consultation period.”