Health Minister visits '˜vital' Foyle Hospice

The Foyle Hospice in Derry.The Foyle Hospice in Derry.
The Foyle Hospice in Derry.
Health Minister Michelle O'Neill has visited the Foyle Hospice in Derry to meet with staff, volunteers and people using the hospice's services.

The Minister said: “I am delighted to be here to see and hear about the work of the Foyle Hospice in providing specialist palliative and end of life care.

“The Foyle Hospice provides a vital service in the north-west through its in-patient and day hospice services and its community nursing team, as well as the support it provides to those who have suffered the loss of bereavement. I am pleased to have this opportunity to express my appreciation to the staff and volunteers for their professionalism, commitment and dedication in providing quality care for those who need it.”

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The Minister also heard about the work being taken forward by the Foyle Hospice through the ‘Compassionate Communities-Reach Out’ project which aims to build capacity within local communities to support people living with an advanced illness, reduce social isolation and enable people to remain living at home and connected to their local communities.

Commenting on the initiative, the Minister said: “This is a very positive example of how, by pro-actively working together and engaging with the wider community, we can improve how our services are provided and, importantly, support people at what will often be a very difficult and stressful time.

“Recognising the role that communities have to play as genuine partners in health and social care, and working in partnership to adopt creative and innovative ways of designing and delivering our services, is at the heart of the vision that I set out in ‘Health and Wellbeing 2026–Delivering Together’.”

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