IRSP express solidarity with Brian Tierney following arson attack

Brian Tierney.Brian Tierney.
Brian Tierney.
The Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP) has called on those behind the recent arson attack on Councillor Brian Tierney's car to desist from such activities.

Commenting on the attack, local IRSP spokesman Danny Morrison said: “On Friday night a car belonging to local councillor Brian Tierney was damaged in an arson attack.

"I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the IRSP, to offer our support and solidarity to Brian and his family at this time. During the 1980s and 1990s the SDLP were subjected to various politically motivated attacks and these were wrong, attacks now are equally wrong."

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He concluded: “We must acknowledge that Brian Tierney is a tireless worker for the people of the Greater Shantallow area.

"He represents the people of this area without fear or favour and we have always found him to be approachable and hard working. There is no place within our communities for attacks on any elected representatives and political differences should be able to be aired without fear of attack.”

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