Limavady parkrun hits a century

100 park runs ago ... The first park Run in Limavady on March 28th 2015. Photo: Dessie Loughery.100 park runs ago ... The first park Run in Limavady on March 28th 2015. Photo: Dessie Loughery.
100 park runs ago ... The first park Run in Limavady on March 28th 2015. Photo: Dessie Loughery.
Limavady parkrun will celebrate a century this weekend.

Runners of all ages and abilities will lace up their trainers on Saturday, February 25, and toe the line at the Backburn Path for the 100th run.

Parkrun volunteer Julie Brolly says it’s a big day for the event.

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“During this event we will see our 3,000th finisher which means that over 15,000km will have been run at Limavady Parkrun. That’s a little more than the distance between Limavady and Perth, Australia,” said Ms Brolly.

Parkrun is a free, volunteer-organised 5km run. They’re held in towns and cities throughout the world. The first Limavady parkrun was held on March 28, 2015 and, since then, diehard runners have supported the event no matter what Mother Nature has thrown at them.

Ms Brolly said there are hardcore runners who come back each week chasing a personal best. However, there are plenty of runners who take part for other reasons. For some it’s a way to get back into running or it’s as part of a fitness programme.

“We had a lady a couple of weeks ago who turned 50. She had run in school and wanted to get back into running,” said Ms. Brolly. “She ran it in 22 minutes.”

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At the start the event attracted big numbers and while participation has dwindled, every Saturday there’s still a decent crowd of participants.

“It’s a really lovely community spirit at the run,” said Julie. “I ran at the start but, due to injuries, I haven’t been able to run in the last year so I’ve been volunteering. When we meet up we have a laugh and a chat and most of us know each other, but if I see anyone who is new, or if they’re or their own, I make a beeline for them to make them welcome. There’s no pressure on anyone. It’s just about getting out and enjoying yourself.”

Ms Brolly said the event welcomes walkers,and in the past parents with their buggies and runners with their dogs have taken part.

Ms Brolly added: “It’s a great way to start the weekend.”

The event starts at 9.30am at Backburn Path. To register log on to

For more information check out the Facebook page Limavady parkrun.

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