Limavady undertakers in charity mission

Brendan O'Brien.Brendan O'Brien.
Brendan O'Brien.
Local Funeral Directors in Limavady will donate all their profits during Lent to a popular charity they hope will 'save lives.'

Father and son team, Thomas and Brendan O’Brien, of O’Brien’s of Limavady Funeral Directors, have pledged to donate all their profits through to the end of April to Trocaire and its Lenten Campaign 2017.

“Although we annually support many local charities, we would now like to take this opportunity to support the work of Trocaire in some of the world’s poorest countries. As the Lenten Campaign is Trocaire’s biggest annual fundraiser, we came up with the idea of donating all our profits during Lent,” added Brendan

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This year’s Lenten Campaign highlights the scale of humanitarian needs across the world including Southern Sudan where the UN recently declared a famine. Trocaire is providing emergency food and water to people inthat country and donations to this year’s Lenten Campaign will help the organisation expand its projects aimed at tackling hunger across the region.

“Our mission is to donate to this campaign with the aim that our donations will save lives and improve the quality of life,” maintained Brendan.

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