Local people to encouraged to leave donations for Operation Snowball

Some of the donations left for the Christmas Snowball AppealSome of the donations left for the Christmas Snowball Appeal
Some of the donations left for the Christmas Snowball Appeal
Sinn Féin Councillor Patricia Logue has urged local people who can to leave donations to the Christmas snowball appeal at the Ráth Mór office.

Colr. Logue said: “I would like to commend everyone involved in doing collections. For years there have been many people working away behind the scenes helping people in their hour of need, and no more so at times such as Christmas. We are indebted to the tireless work they do.

“The continuation of the Tory austerity agenda is leading to community organisations and food banks being placed under pressure in the Derry area to help people.

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“ As the old saying goes, ‘every little bit helps’. So I would encourage people if they have one or two items they wish to give to the local Operation Snowball Christmas appeal they can leave them at the front desk in our Ráth Mór office on the New Road until 1pm on Friday, December 15. We will ensure that it is delivered in confidence to the team who are working on the ground in the TRIAX area, covering the greater Bogside, Brandywell, Creggan and Fountain districts.”