Major cross-border Brexit conference at Burt

View over the border region from Grianan Fort. The conference will take at nearby An Grianan Hotel in Burt.View over the border region from Grianan Fort. The conference will take at nearby An Grianan Hotel in Burt.
View over the border region from Grianan Fort. The conference will take at nearby An Grianan Hotel in Burt.
Representatives from across Derry and Donegal will come together at Burt on Tuesday to discuss the mutual opportunities and challenges arising from the looming Brexit plans.

Experts from across Ireland will address the conference, which is being staged at An Grianan Hotel and is jointly hosted by Donegal County Council and Derry City & Strabane District Council.

The event marks the start of newly re-strengthened regional co-operation arrangements for growing the North West, co-designed by the Councils with the Irish Government and NI Executive.

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It will explore economic options and opportunities for the region in the context of Brexit and ongoing North-South co-operation.

Key stakeholders from business, academia and the public sector will be among those attending.

The event will be opened jointly by the Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council Terence Slowey and Mayor of Derry Hilary McClintock with the Chief Executives of each Council. Speakers will include Professor Frances Ruane from the Economic and Social Research Institute.

Donegal County Council Chief Executive Seamus Neely said: “We are delighted that the Councils are in a position to drive and co-ordinate a series of wider discussions with all regional partners, on the responses that we need to develop together to ensure that the North West Region continues to grow regardless of the challenges of Brexit.”

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John Kelpie, Chief Executive of Derry& Strabane Council added: “Derry~Londonderry is the fourth largest city region on the island of Ireland and as such requires special focus, a shared purpose and focused co-operation arrangements to ensure that we can release the North West’s full potential as a net contributor to the economies of both the UK and Ireland.”