Man shot in bookmakers being treated in hospital

The Creggan Shops, Central Drive.The Creggan Shops, Central Drive.
The Creggan Shops, Central Drive.
A man shot in the leg at a Derry bookmakers was this morning being treated in hospital for his injuries.

The 23-year-old is understood to have been playing a poker machine at the bookmakers on Central Drive in Creggan when two masked men burst in and shot him in the leg.

It is understood the young man had been playing football earlier in the evening a short distance away before entering the bookmakers.

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A PSNI spokesperson said: “Detectives at Strand Road are appealing for information following a shooting incident in the Central Drive area.

“At approximately 8.35pm two masked men entered commercial premises in the area and shot a 23-year-old in the leg before making off.

“The man was taken to hospital for treatment for injuries that are not thought to be life threatening at this stage.”

Sinn Féin Councillor Kevin Campbell witnessed the aftermath of the shooting after being alerted by a local youth worker.

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Colr. Campbell visited the young man at the bookmakers as those gathered there waited for an ambulance.

He said: “This attack on a young man in the Central Drive area of Creggan was wrong and I condemn it.

“There can be no place for such incidents in our society.

“I would urge anyone with any information on this shooting to bring it forward to the police.”

Detectives have appealed for anyone with information to contact them at Strand Road on 101 quoting reference number 1169/27/03/17 or Crimestopper anonymously on 0800555111.